How Did I Build My Blog With Hugo Github Pages and Github Actions

4 minute read

How did I build my blog with Hugo, Github Pages, and Github Actions

For a while I was looking to start a blog and share my thoughts and experiences on different topics, mainly technology and homelabbing, but I kept putting it aside because just the thought of setting up a VPS and then installing Wordpress, database, etc. was daunting.

Hello Hugo!

I started to look into another way of achieving this and I came across Hugo.

Hugo is one of the most popular open-source static site generators. With its amazing speed and flexibility, Hugo makes building websites fun again.

With this new discovered tool, I was set to make this happen. I started to dig into how to make this as easy and painless as possible and automate it if possible.


I purchased and then pointed that domain to Github nameservers. You can go to Configure a custom domain for your GitHub Pages site on the GitHub site and follow their instructions.


You need a GitHub account, you can Sign Up Here or Login Here if you already have an account.


I wanted to setup a private and a public repos so I can keep my drafts separate from my production repo as not to make it too complicated for myself.

Create 2 repositories, one should be private and one should be public. Just keep in mind that your public repo needs to have a name in this format: <GithubUsername> The private repo name can be anything you want. For more information on how GitHub Pages work, please go here.

Actions Deoplyment Key

Now that you have both repos created, we need to establish a way for our GitHub Actions to be able to reach them both to build and deploy our public site. To do this, we need to create a SSH keypair. You can follow the instructions here on how to generate a new SSH key.

Now that you have the private and public key, we need to add them to our private and public repos. For the private repo do the followings:

Go to Settings > Secrets > New repository secrets

Name: ACTIONS_DEPLOY_KEY Value: Copy/paste the private key content from previous step here

For the public repo, do the followings:

Go to Settings > Deploy keys > Add deploy key

Name: Can be anything you want Value: Copy/paste the public key content from previous step here


You need to install Hugo on your machine to be able to write your posts and then push those to your GitHub repository and eventually update your blog.

Before installing Hugo and deploying your site, make sure you clone the private repository to your machine.

For example: git clone [email protected]:amdjml/<repoName>.git

I am not going to reinvent the wheel and tell you how to install Hugo when they do a much better job on their site with a Quick Start guide.

You must create your new hugo site with the same name and in the same place as your private repo that you cloned earlier. You’ll be prompted to use the --force to create the new Hugo site within the private folder.

Once you created your first post, use git to push those changes to your private repo.

GitHub Actions

Now we are going to create the Actions that will build and deploy your Hugo site into a static site and push those to your public repo to be displayed on your site.

Create a new file named gh-pages.yml in <HugoInstallationDir>/.github/workflows/. Insert the following code inside that file, replace the marked values with your own, save and close the file.

 1name: github pages
 4  push:
 5    branches:
 6      - main  # Set a branch name to trigger deployment
 9  deploy:
10    runs-on: ubuntu-20.04
11    steps:
12      - uses: actions/checkout@v2
13        with:
14          submodules: true  # Fetch Hugo themes (true OR recursive)
15          fetch-depth: 0    # Fetch all history for .GitInfo and .Lastmod
17      - name: Setup Hugo
18        uses: peaceiris/actions-hugo@v2
19        with:
20          hugo-version: 'latest'
22      - name: Build
23        run: hugo --minify
25      - name: Deploy
26        uses: peaceiris/actions-gh-pages@v3
27        with:
28          deploy_key: ${{ secrets.ACTIONS_DEPLOY_KEY }}
29          external_repository: <GithubUsername>/<GithubUsername> # Replace with Github Username
30          publish_branch: main
31          publish_dir: ./public
32          cname: <domain>.com # Replace with your domain

Once you have saved it, it should trigger the action and build the static html pages from your private repo and push them to your public repo.


You should have a Hugo site now and you can just write your posts on your local machine, push those changes to your private repo on GitHub and let the Actions take care of the rest.

Hope you enjoyed reading this article and let me know what you think!